Next week, the next round of Quota meetings take place, which you can register for here. The meeting dates and locations will be:
• Wednesday, October 30 in Chino
• Thursday, October 31 in Tulare
• Friday, November 1 in Turlock
There is a homework assignment connected with the next round of meetings. You can find these documents here, including an introduction paper and short background papers on three topics:
1. An analysis of the tax treatment of quota.
2. An analysis of Dairy Product sale trends.
3. An analysis of the quota impact on farm level financial metrics.
Then there are 10 papers outlining proposals for change:
1. Variations of a Sunset for quota.
2. A base Sunset for quota proposal.
3. A quota stabilization proposal
4. A proposal to issue a bond to buy up the quota.
5. A proposal to tie quota differentials to class 1 sales.
6. A proposal to terminate quota through a referendum.
7. A proposal to change the Regional Quota adjusters.
8. A proposal to terminate quota through monetization.
9. A proposal to permanently opt out of the quota program.
10. A proposal to retire quota through a limited buyback.
The task given to Dr. Bozic and Matt Gould was to develop a range of options for producers to consider. In these papers, they have done that with the input from a steering committee made up of representatives of the three co-ops and United Dairy Families and STOP QIP. The desired outcome for the meetings next week is for producers to give meaningful feedback that will narrow these options down to two or three specific ideas that will then be more fully developed. If you cannot attend one of the three in person, there is a webinar scheduled for Monday, November 4 at 8 a.m. that you can participate in.

Geoff Vanden Heuvel
Director of Regulatory and Economic Affairs